Thursday, December 6, 2007

new outlook on your ..............


Well most of this post is going to be dedicated to the month of December and the goals that I am going to set for my self. There have been some interesting changes that have occurred in my surroundings that have kind of pushed me towards reevaluating my life.

With that said here goes.

First things first I need to stop drinking pop. Yeah I drink a whole lot of it and it’s kind of bad. So we are going to slowly move that out of our system.

Next, focus on my job. I need to run good at my sales job. Sell a lot of stuff. It’s the time of year for it, and yeah.

Third, I need to start focusing more on poker. I need to develop my game more. Mainly with study, and experience play.

Fourth. I need to change my discipline in life. I have not been the greatest as of late…

Fifth, I want to loose 30 lbs by the end of the month. Its going to be pretty hard, but I think that I can do it.

Sixth, I need to change the way that I look at life…. This may be a little more than a month, but still needs to occur.

Seventh. Music! I need to get more music into my system. That means downloading and listening to.

Any comments would go well.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Its a nice day outside so read this!

Evening folks,

Well its been a long while since i have updated, let alone really contacted many people. For the most part I am back to work now and what not. but heres a little recap of the last 6 months.:

04/17/2007 Broke the collarbone actual Doctor desc: (rt) Clavical Fx 810.03
04/24/2007 Surgery on collarbone. 7 screws and a plate! yippie!
06/01/2007 Returned home after spending a month with rogers In-laws. [much thanks!]
06/20/2007 Started learning poker from the cousin.
07/15/2007 2nd job actually terminates me. Still working on this one.
10/23/2007 Finally get clearance to return to work.
10/29/2007 Start my first day back to work.
11/02/2007 Boss man gives me a good "pep talk"
11/13/2007 Play a decent amount of poker, work like crazy and try to make sense of life.

Ok so thats about it in a nutshell. there is a lot more there than meets the eyes. Mostly smaller shit. like the phone number changed and such.[BTW if you need the new one, ask.]

I have a interesting couple of months coming up with work and my living situation, but nothing horrible.

Current projects that are going on:
-Building a new computer @ some point.
-Working to clear a decent amount of finaces within a couple of months.
-Janurary trip to FL for 6 days to celebrate grandma's80th b-day [woot!]
-I'm like 2 seconds away from getting rid of this shitty cell service named Sprint. they have gone above and beyond pissing me off.
-getting iphone to replace above.
-focus on making my ROI @ 10%

Currently i need to look into finding a car rental place down in Orlando FL. to rent a car for the days I'm there. anyone that can provide a cheap discount, let me know.

The only thing that really sucked about beign off work for six months was the fact that somehow I gained a little bit of weight.. Weird.
So i guess its time to lose that + some.
lol. Well long enough update for one day.

Also thanks to those who were able to help me when I was off. Much appriciated and thanks!