Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Life udate.


Or morning for that matter. Seems that I haven’t posted on here in a long time, so I figured I would update for the masses. Seems that a lot of people have been out of the loop for a little while now so here goes.

First: Ok so I don’t think that everyone quite knows that im no longer at sharper image anymore. For those that don’t, they went busto about 6 months ago.

Second: since I needed work, I got a job at the almighty shit bell [aka taco bell]. Not the greatest job, but it does pay the bills [for now]. There is also some promotion activity going on as well, however that is on a slight delay [below]

Third: I am currently on workmans comp. Yes its for my right shoulder that I hurt last year. Yes its directly involved with it. As of right now, I can disclose that there are three diagnosis and none of them match. GB is in control of the whole situation with it, and they are getting two diagnosis as of right now that are relatively on track with each other.

Fourth: Over the summer I decided it was in my best interest to all return back into school. I enrolled with a full course load and it has been an interesting experience. Since I am currently off work [and have been since 10/15/08] I have been able to put in more time into my classes. Its looking pretty positive as of right now.

Fifth: As of today, some interesting things developed in other things that has caused me to change a few things that are for the home. Those who know, know. Those who don’t, well I cannot discuss at this time. Sorry.

Sixth: Christmas is just around the corner, and I would love to spend a lot of time with those that have been around in the past, however family is coming first this year. My dad, uncle, and my cousin are all coming for dinner at my place. Sometime in the afternoon. I hope that I will be able to give them a nice warm Christmas. I will also be having Ambers close family over for breakfast.

Seventh: With all the free time that I have with being off work, and with not much to do once school ends, I will be free to spend a little more time with the people that I don’t see as much.

Eighth: My computer is running, for now, but will get to see some pretty some pretty solid upgrades in the upcoming months. For now though, it runs, and gets me by.

Ninth. There probably will be a update coming soon for the other journal, as it will contain some rather interesting things that need to be said.

Tenth: Meow meow is cute. Also this is xposted between my LJ/Myspace/Blogger


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

[RL] update

Evening folks!
Well After a long period of no updates of real substance, this will be a prelude to a few things to come.

First and foremost. I am currently on myspace, blogger and LJ. on blogger I have two blogs. the first blog is the same as my myspace and LJ [and this gets crossposted across all three so u all dont have to worry about reading 4 blogs from me. lol] the second blog on blogger is a different type of blogging and such. its going to be a little more formatted and less brash [including language]. there will be more thought and it will waste more of my day. But w/e you all know im not working right now. so its something to actually get around to doing it. the link will be at the bottom of this post, and there is already something up on it. [enjoy] IT IS VERY VOCALISED TOWARDS MY THOUGHTS! beware.

Second As i am not doing anything else right now, I will keep you other folks entertained with some stuff across the other three. there will be something to look forward to in the next day or so, depending on when i get around to writing it. J has a bit of help on this one, and i know that he is looking forward to it.

third. Some of you might know this, but i am planning on going back to school. its been a while, and i know that it might surprise some of you, but w/e its what i should do in my situation right now.

Fourth. there is also a little other situation going on right now, that a select few of you might know, but it will be annonced at the begining of the month. and no im not pregnant or getting married. lol....

fifth. For those of you that i have been stalking lately. LOL its fun! i shall scour the interwebs and get you again!

Sixth. my myspace will probably see a redo sometime this month, more than likely near the end. any ideas??????

Seventh. DAVE AND CHRISTY!!!!!! I NEED TO VISIT YOU! that is all on that. lol

eighth. My computer is finally DEAD!!! Thats "D" "E" "D" for all you folk out there.

Ninth. i think that is about it for now.

here is the link to the other one:
A prespective outlook on Life.

that is all folks.